
Water, Please!

The mural was created in 2016 as part of the #muralsocialclub project
 This  mural  is part of the Still Life series .  The work depicts a classic indoor still life, which is transformed into an exaggerated urban reality.
 “I was inspired to create this mural by the blog Another Ukraine, which describes unexpected and non-stereotypical elements of the culture and nature of Ukraine. For example, the flora of the country, which has thousands of representatives from all continents of the world, which, as it turns out, are able to adapt to different climatic zones and different territories,”  - explains Agostino.
 Agostino Iacurci lives and works in Rome.  Creates works using synthetic shapes and vibrant colors that border on authenticity and unnaturalness.
Created on September 18, 2023
проспект Правди, 64, Київ, Україна, 02000
Hunted by Olga Popova.

Marker details

FestivalMural Social Club
Date created2016-07-15T22:00:00.000Z
Marker typeartwork