
community creates the change

There are things that make you look small and things that make you feel small. And then there are things that do both.

But then, on the flip side, there are things that always, without exception, make you feel great. Nature is one of those things. It's universal, a force that connects us all, reminding us of the beauty and strength that resides in the world around us and within us. When we stand in nature, we are reminded of our place, not as small beings, but as part of something vast, powerful, and interconnected.

Created on January 21, 2025
Pădurea Comunitară Cama - Faza Ostrovul Ramadan, Giurgiu, Romania
Added by the artist.

Marker details

Photographermili 360 view
Video Linkhttps://www.wanda.direct/murals/community
Date created2021-12-01T10:00:00.000Z
Marker typeartwork