
Jardim Botânico [Rio]

Sarah Morris, internationally recognized as both a filmmaker and painter, has created a spectacular and expansive installation in the grand entrance hall of the Kunsthalle Bremen. The work, titled Jardim Botânico [Rio], features vibrant colors and abstract grid structures with right-angled and arch-like shapes. The numerous layers of glossy paints and household lacquers create visual rhythms as well as tactile, relief-like textures.

Morris's paintings and site-specific murals explore the intersection of modern geometric abstraction and contemporary design. Her compositions reflect on everyday objects, industrial design, and architecture—particularly that of American metropolises—as well as the superficiality and surface aesthetics of Hollywood films, glossy magazines, fashion, and advertising.

Since 1998, Sarah Morris has produced both painterly and cinematic city portraits, preceded by extensive research. Her recent works focus on the staging and transformation processes of Olympic cities such as Munich (2008), Beijing (2009), and Rio de Janeiro (Bye Bye Brazil, 2013). Often, filmic and photographic impressions serve as the starting point for her compositions, which are both analytical and intuitive translations. The titles of her paintings frequently reference well-known buildings, landmarks, or names of cities, presenting a distilled, aesthetic, and captivating view of modern, capitalistic, and vibrant life through pure forms.

Jardim Botânico [Rio], part of Morris's new series related to Rio, responds to both the museum's architecture and the vibrant spirit of the city.

Created on September 9, 2024
Am Wall 207, 28195 Bremen, Germany
Hunted by Tobias Kroeger.

Marker details

AccessOpening Hours
Artist nationalityBritish
Artwork styleMinimalism
Date created2012-12-31T23:00:00.000Z
PhotographerKunsthalle Bremen
Marker typeartwork