
Caught Between The Devil and The Deep Blue

"The idea behind 'Caught Between The Devil andThe Deep Blue' was to raise the impossible conflictimposed upon our oceans as a result ofoverfishing and environmental exploitation. As theglobal population tips past eight billion andcounting, pressure on our oceans to feed andsustain those numbers is ever-growing. For many,there seems to be an underlying assumption thatthe earth's oceans are simply too vast tevercease providing, that they are a self-sustainingresource. Current estimates however suggest that,if nothing changes, the world's oceans could beleft virtually empty by 2048, meaning we may runout of fish entirely before mid-century.

To me, the mythical character of the mermaid feltlike the perfect allegory for an ocean attempting tofight back - a beautiful seabound temptress, luringweary sailors to their watery graves. In thisinstance, however, she has not only beenharpooned and bound but trapped within a glassenclosure, unable to escape and protect theoceans from further destruction. She is thereminder that against the demands of eight billionhumans, there can be no capable defense. Thechoice then, "Between The Devil and The DeepBlue" falls to us. Do we continue our pattern ofunsustainability, exploiting a defenseless oceanuntil it runs dry? Or do we choose to take positiveaction by helping to support viable options formaintaining healthy oceans worldwide? The powerto change is within our hands." - D*Face

Created on December 31, 2023
Estate Thomas, Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas 00802, USVI
Hunted by Tiny Tim.

Marker details

Camera usedPanasonic DC-S5
FestivalSea Walls
Date created2023-04-19T22:00:00.000Z
Marker typeartwork
CityCharlotte Amalie
CountryVirgin Islands, U.S.