

This mural is the largest I’ve done to date. It took me a month to prepare the wall and paint the composition. The challenge, besides its size (over 500m²), was the weather in Arinaga: sun, wind, rain—sometimes all at once.

The mural tells the story of two children approaching a source of energy that only activates when they are together. The faces on the outer parts of the mural gain color as they move closer to the center, where the main action unfolds. Even their expressions change: as they approach, the faces of doubt and skepticism transform into expressions of calm and fulfillment. Here, I reflect on the principle of polarity mentioned in many texts and cultures:

"Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites. Like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled."

I wrote the word ENERGY on the upper left side, along with its definition: the capacity that bodies possess to perform work due to their composition (internal energy). I also included its roots, energeia and energós.

On the upper right side, I added two words in Latin: MOTIO (movement) and MUTATIO (change). There’s another meaning for mutatio that is particularly fitting for the location of the mural.

The separated children symbolize the internal and even social polarity that we constantly experience today. Only through kindness and love can we balance our energy and activate our true essence. That essence is authentic human energy: love. The original energy that moves us and drives change.

Created on December 14, 2024
C. las Adelfas, 40, 35118 Agüimes, Las Palmas, Spain
Added by the artist.

Marker details

Date created2024-03-15T00:00:00.000Z
Marker typeartwork
CityLas Palmas de Gran Canaria