
Made in Jemappes

La thématique est Jemappes et ses symboles (le coq, le parc, la gare, … ) mais aussi le passé industriel (porcelaine, laminoirs, charbonnage) et l’idée est de rappeler aux Jemappiens qu’ils ont de quoi être fiers.


The theme is Jemappes and its symbols (the cockerel, the park, the station, etc.) but also the industrial past (porcelain, rolling mills, coal mining) and the idea is to remind the people of Jemappes that they have a lot to be proud of.

Created on September 10, 2021
Avenue Maréchal Foch 757, Mons, Belgique
Hunted by Tiziana Mons.

Marker details

Camera usedNikon D850
FestivalL'Art Habite la Ville 2021
Date created2021-09-09T22:00:00.000Z
Marker typeartwork