 For the first edition of Istmo Fest.
A unión entre a a arte e a rúa, a conexión entre a cidade histórica e os barrios.
Comeza a primeira edición do proxecto de arte urbana de A Coruña que achegará varias intervecións muralísticas dirixidas a construír un gran galería de arte pública na cidade.
6 intervencións murais en 6 localizacións diferentes da cidade, que axudarán á rexeneración e a dinamización das zonas nas que se leven a cabo, facendo que tanto a poboación local coma os visitantes,  adquiran un incentivo para visitar e desfrutar por medio da arte urbana desas zonas a priori menos visitadas. 
Neste novo mural Miguel explora unha narrativa visual formada por 3 imaxes vinculadas entre sí que nos introducen no seu particular universo máxico. Un submundo onírico que nos fala do paso do tempo, da súa fraxilidade e fugacidade, dos ciclos da vida, cos seus menceres e solpores, da importancia da lentitude e de tomarnos o noso tempo podendo camiñar paseniño e sen presa, aprendendo a desfrutar do camiño e dos procesos. Por último, na última das viñetas, tamén nos fala do crucial da imaxinación que vive en nós, ese ser creativo que nos cohabita dende o comezo da infancia e que debemos descubrir e manter vivo dentro nosa para seguir medrando. 
Este tipo de narrativas e esta estética de corte máis infantil nacen en Miguel do seu amor polo debuxo e máis en concreto polo amor polos seus, cunha bonita costume que fai a cotío na súa casa, a de debuxarlle cada día no envoltorio das merendas dos seus dous cativos antes de levalos ao cole. Día tras día, e bocata tras bocata, foi desenvolvendo e introducíndolles este mundo máxico no que se comunica con eles con este tipo de imaxes, nas que se agochan subtextos e mensaxes encriptadas, cheas de cariño, amor e humor, unha relación paterno filial convertida hoxe en mural e un agasallo de grandes dimensións para a rapazada do CEIP Alborada do barrio de Elviña. 
 Istmo Fest
The union between art and the street, the connection between the historic city and the neighborhoods.
The first edition of the urban art project of A Coruña begins, which will bring several mural interventions aimed at building a large public art gallery in the city.
6 mural interventions in 6 different locations in the city, which will help the regeneration and dynamism of the areas in which they are carried out, making both the local population and visitors acquire an incentive to visit and enjoy through urban art those areas priori least visited. 

In this new mural, Miguel explores a visual narrative made up of 3 linked images that introduce us to his particular magical universe. A dreamlike underworld that tells us about the passage of time, its fragility and transience, the cycles of life, with its sunrises and sunsets, the importance of slowness and taking our time, being able to walk slowly and without rushing, learning to enjoy the journey and processes. Finally, in the last of the vignettes, he also tells us about the crucial importance of the imagination that lives in us, that creative being that cohabits with us from the beginning of childhood and that we must discover and keep alive within us to continue growing.

This type of narrative and this more childlike aesthetic is born in Miguel from his love for drawing and more specifically from his love for his children, with a nice habit that he does everyday at home, that of drawing every day on the wrappers of his children's snacks two children before taking them to school. Day after day, and mouthful after mouthful, he developed and introduced to them this magical world in which he communicates with them with this type of images, in which subtexts and encrypted messages are hidden, full of affection, love and humor, a father-filial relationship turned into today in a mural and a large gift for the girls of the CEIP Alborada in the neighborhood of Elviña.
Created on May 8, 2023
Rúa San José de Calasanz, 5, 15008 A Coruña, Spanje
Hunted by Tiny Tim.

Marker details

Camera usedSony ILCE-7M3
Date created2023-04-22T22:00:00.000Z
Marker typeartwork
CityLa Coruña