Created on March 19, 2023
Leonida Teligi 7, 87-162 Toruń, Polonia

Daily life scenes

The walls were covered with paintings in a comic, grotesque convention, illustrating a cross-section of the neighborhood's society and the daily life of its residents.
Andrzej Poprostu—Daily life scenesAndrzej Poprostu—Daily life scenesAndrzej Poprostu—Daily life scenesAndrzej Poprostu—Daily life scenesAndrzej Poprostu—Daily life scenesAndrzej Poprostu—Daily life scenesAndrzej Poprostu—Daily life scenesAndrzej Poprostu—Daily life scenesAndrzej Poprostu—Daily life scenesAndrzej Poprostu—Daily life scenesAndrzej Poprostu—Daily life scenesAndrzej Poprostu—Daily life scenesAndrzej Poprostu—Daily life scenesAndrzej Poprostu—Daily life scenesAndrzej Poprostu—Daily life scenes
Hunted by Justyna Wenecka.
Pictures by Justyna Wenecka.

Marker details

Date created2019-12-31T23:00:00.000Z
Marker typeartwork