Created on December 4, 2024
Commercial Rd, Port Talbot SA13 1LN, UK

I wish my wife was this dirty

Soon after Banksy's "Season's Greetings" appeared in Taibach - it was joined by two Legomen from James Ame (Ame72).

His two pieces engage with themes of pollution and the commodification of street art - this first on the steel doors of ABC tyres "I Wish My Wife Was This Dirty" a slogan often found on the dirt encrusted white vans of Wales, but here a reference to the red dust that sometimes covers windscreens and washing lines from the works.

Click and swipe the photo to see the 2nd Legoman, which can be found on the double doors of the beer garden in Taibach Rugby Club. If you can't see this piece from the street, walk into the Rugby Club and ask if you can take a peek. They're a friendly bunch.

"Legoman With Disk-cutter" depicts an artwork being cut away and sold, wall and all.

Ame72 has cleverly painted this piece across the metal doors and brick surround, making any such operation pretty much impossible.

AME72—I wish my wife was this dirty
Hunted by Morrti.

Marker details

Date created
Marker typeartwork
CountryUnited Kingdom