Created on January 29, 2025
No 78, Strada Dionisie Lupu, București 010457, Romania

Stones in the bread

Irlo draws with a particular dynamism and before long the wall comes alive with fascinating symbols. Above, in a triangle in the center of the picture, we can see the mouth of God, the source of the letters that seem to float timelessly. The triangle could be a representation of knowledge as well as the trinity specific to Christianity, often found above church entrances. Because it is black, it may suggest black fasting or the origin of light. On the right is the message: '40 days in the desert - black fasting'.

You may already recognize the "Stones in the Bread" theme, one of three in the biblical story "The Temptations of Jesus", in which the devil tries (in the desert, literally and figuratively) to tempt him to become hedonistic ("lust of the body"), selfish ("vanity of life") and materialistic ("lust of the eyes"). Over 40 days of black fasting, Jesus refuses temptations designed to alter three essential human characteristics - thinking, desiring and feeling, which lie within the mind, soul and heart, connected to the absolute ideals of humanity: science (truth), art (beauty) and spirituality (goodness).

Irlo—Stones in the breadIrlo—Stones in the breadIrlo—Stones in the breadIrlo—Stones in the breadIrlo—Stones in the breadIrlo—Stones in the breadIrlo—Stones in the bread
Hunted by Feeder .

Marker details

Date created2017-04-05T09:00:00.000Z
Artwork typeMural
Artist nationalityRomanian
Artwork subjectspiritual
OrganizationSave or Cancel, Un-Hidden Romania, feeder
Marker typeartwork