Claim artist profile - Dennis Meurrens

Hi! Verify Your Identity to Claim Your Profile

To take ownership of your artist profile and fully personalize it, we kindly request you to verify your identity. Your artistic journey matters to us, and we want to ensure the accuracy and security of your profile information. By providing the necessary details below, we'll promptly reach out to you, enabling you to access the exciting features and benefits of your claimed artist profile. Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to assisting you soon!

Tips to speed up your profile verification:

Prior to claiming your artist profile, we kindly request you to ensure that your email address is prominently listed on your social media profiles or official website. This step is crucial to facilitate the verification process and confirm that the profile indeed belongs to you, safeguarding your artistic identity and ensuring its integrity. Alternatively, you may also reach out to us via Instagram by sending a direct message to @streetartcities. Kindly include your email address in the message, allowing us to authenticate your request swiftly and efficiently. Thank you for your cooperation in this essential step, and we eagerly anticipate connecting with you to finalize your profile claim.